Data Base Management Systems


Introduction to File and Database systems- Database system structure -concepts and architecture, date models

schemas & instances

DBMS architecture & data independence

database languages & interfaces, Data Model, ER model

SQL - Data definition- Queries in SQL-relational model concepts

relational model constraints

relational algebra

SQL- a relational database language: date definition in SQL

view and queries in SQL

specifying constraints and indexes in SQL; relational database management systems-Updates

Views, Integrity and Security, Relational Database design

Functional dependences and Normalization for Relational Databases

normal forms based on primary keys

(1NF, 2NF, 3NF & BCNF)

lossless join and dependency preserving decomposition

converting ER-diagrams into relations

Record storage and Primary file organization- Secondary storage Devices

Operations on Files

Heap File

Sorted Files

Hashing Techniques

Index Structure for files

Different types of Indexes- B-Tree - B+Tree

Query Processing

Transaction Processing

Need for Concurrency control, Desirable properties of Transaction

Schedule and Recoverability

Serializability and Schedules, Concurrency Control

Types of Locks

Two Phases locking


Time stamp based concurrency control

Recovery Techniques

Concepts- Immediate Update- Deferred Update

Shadow Paging

Introduction to Distributed and parallel databases

Deductive Databases

Multimedia Databases

Real-Time Databases


Database System Concepts by Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth and S. Sudarshan, McGraw-Hill

Fundamental Database Systems by Ramez Elmasri and Shamkant B. Navathe, Pearson Education

Youtube: Knowledge Gate


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Compitetive: 4/5

Average SGPI: 8.561

Median SGPI: 9

Highest SGPI: 10
